The Alumni Hall was occupied by enthusiastic alumni and retired professors. They might have looked old, but they were still young at heart! They entered fifteen minutes in advance to catch up with their old friends. The Teachers’ Day celebration,
Adithi V.'s Articles
Deprived and Denied
Her expectations and reality, One never complied with the other! Her life – worthy of nothing Perhaps can offer some ideas For expectation vs. reality memes! Her attempt to tempt fate Started when she was eight. Wanted gesso f
The Alumni Hall was occupied by enthusiastic alumni and retired professors. They might have looked old, but they were still young at heart! They entered fifteen minutes in advance to catch up with their old friends. The Teachers’ Day celebration,
Her expectations and reality, One never complied with the other! Her life – worthy of nothing Perhaps can offer some ideas For expectation vs. reality memes! Her attempt to tempt fate Started when she was eight. Wanted gesso f